Checklist Template Library

Ditch your pen and paper checklists and save time and money with pre-built industry specific checklist templates.

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Standardize your inspections with this food safety and hygiene standards form; streamline inspections to ensure that teams are meeting your standards on a daily basis. Keep food safety front and center on the minds of your employees with this inspection form that can be used across teams, wherever they are, from whatever device they are using.

Checklist Sections

33 Questions
Environment 7 Questions
short_text Template Instructions
check Is kitchen(s) and/or food prep room well maintained?
check Is food processing equipment in good working order?
check Is food processing equipment accessible for cleaning and maintenance?
check Is food processing equipment clean?
check Is food processing equipment disinfected?
date_range Last Date of Full Disinfection of Equipment
Storage 9 Questions
check Are refrigerators and freezers in good working order?
looks_one Current Fridge Temperature
looks_one Current Freezer Temperature
check Is perishable food stored appropriately as per storage requirements?
check Is prepared food stored apart from raw food in refrigerators?
check Is high risk food dated for prepared and expiration dates?
check Are pantry foods in properly sealed containers?
check Are all food items properly labelled, dated, and rotated (FIFO - First In, First Out)?
check Are allergen-containing ingredients stored separately and clearly labelled?
Prep 5 Questions
check Is food prep surface clean?
check Is food prep surface disinfected?
check Are controls in place to prevent contamination from external sources (chemicals, staff, etc)?
check Are raw and prepared food surfaces separated by adequate distance?
check Are allergen-free menu items prepared using dedicated equipment or cleaned thoroughly?
Staff 5 Questions
check Are staff employees laundered and bleached?
question_answer Does staff have access to the following sanitation equipment?
check Are staff handling food based on proper food-handling protocol?
check Is sanitation information posted in a publicly accessible location for staff?
check Is there a designated Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) overseeing daily food safety activities?
Pests & Waste 7 Questions
check Are promises free from signs of pests?
check Are premises pet proofed, in a food safe manner?
check Is stored food protected from contamination by pests?
check Are premises clear and free of waste?
check Is food waste stored separately and in a food safe manner?
check Is expired or bad food disposed of promptly and appropriately?
check Are waste containers in an accessible and safe location?